Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Where's the Beef? err the Elevator Parts?

As I entered the basement lobby, my eyes caught two new notices on the bulletin board.

Something about a Budget Committee meeting this Thursday, September 4. Of course we don't know who is on the committee. There were no recent notices announcing the formation of a budget committee "No communication" asking for volunteers. Perhaps the board recycled responses from a solicitation notice 8 months ago. OK at least they are recycling --even if it doesn't help the environment.

Then tonight as I was walking my dog, I finally had a chance to read the second notice.

Finally, an update on what we have all been waiting for more than the
pageantry and competitive spirit of the Olympics,

more than the electrifying or comical (depends how you view it) political party conventions, and

more than a possible day off from passing hurricanes with names of the
midwest (Hanna and Ike) or European elitists (Gustav and Josephine)!!!

We, residents of Brickell Place II await ....

Elevator parts!! Per the notice, the materials for the elevator will arrive in 10-12 weeks. WHAT?! This was mentioned 10-12 weeks ago!!! At the meeting I attended in April 15, 2008. What happened in the last 10-15 weeks? Nothing of course. Where are the parts? Where's the beef? Sara Palin will be President by the time the elevator parts arrive!

If you calculate 10-12 weeks that would be, let's see, today is September 2, plus 12 weeks brings us to (drum roll please) DECEMBER!! The month that the least amount of work is done. Which means nothing will commence until 2009.

Folks, perhaps under the influence of the energetic political conventions where each candidate claims to be "the one" to start a program, to reform a practice, to cause change, to make a difference, at the risk of sounding arrogant I warned residents nothing would happen this year in addition to last year. I hate to say it, BUT I TOLD YOU SO.

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