Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drama continues on the anniversary of Sep 11

Today is the anniversary of the attacks on our nation on Sep 11, 2001. Throughout the day were reminders of the suffering of our nation at the hand of terrorists, pure evil. Cloaked in a "holy war", their sole mission in life is to destroy the U.S.

A moment of silence a few minutes before 9am.

An email with an attachment--a music video memorial.

The evening news highlighting the memorial services in New York City and the Pentagon.

Life moves on, but we will never forget. Life's daily tribulations are trivial in light of the bigger picture. To defend America, to defend her residents, to protect our freedom.

Life goes on. Getting up in the morning, going to work, putting in a full day's work, taking care of one's family.

A day like any other.

Tonight was not a usual evening. Tonight was a board meeting at Brickell Place. As it turns out it was a typical meeting.

A lapse of two months with no board meeting, I attended the meeting to learn what progress was made since the new management company began in June.

The meeting started 7:10pm. The President skipped her President's Report and the meeting commenced with the Treasurer's report. One resident asked about the protocol for going after residents in arrears and possible foreclosure. The prediction is positive as Brickell Place II is relatively unscathed by the escalating foreclosures in neighboring new buildings. Brickell Place numbers only six units in late payments, a majority are repeat offenders for years--long before the housing crisis. Some good news.

The next agenda item was the "Rotunda/Paver Entrance". When Ana Guillen asked the property manager, Anibal, for three bids, he explained he did not have them yet. "Then why is is this on the agenda if we have nothing to read or present or vote on?" asked Ana. The property manager replied that he was awaiting on the board to decide on the scope of the work.

A back and forth discussion ensued among board members and the property manager about who said what behind the scenes and in emails. The audience sat in disbelief. Clearly the board was disorganized and dysfunctional. Among the residents in the audience, comments circulated that we are now in the ninth month of this year, and the second year that the entrance ramp is an eyesore. 18 months had passed since the slate was ripped up and we were not any closer to a solution. Frustration was mounting as the board continued arguing amongst themselves.

Three of us in front row all raised our hand with comments. Apparently we echoed the same suggestion. Carol S. spoke first and vocalized a step by step plan. Step 1--determine scope of work; Step 2- .....[check recording] It's really not that difficult.

Next item on the agenda, the Grievance Committee.

A litany of grievances were presented, mostly noise complaints. Most offenders were fined $100.00. One grievance involved vandalism. Sadly we all realized that our property was experiencing a deterioration alongside the physical. One offender of noise complaint, was also witnessed running naked in the hallway. What is happening to Brickell Place? Does physical deterioration of a building breed incorrigible behavior and lack of respect by residents for their neighbors and their home?

Speaking of lack of respect, Mr. Jaffee in true form, launched a verbal attack on a resident based on a security report that was erroneously reported-an incident that happened three months earlier. Insanity reached a whole new level. The incident was about a missing cart which was found. No harm, no foul. That resident was me. A neighbor, it turns out a neighbor borrowed my cart.

When I discovered my foldable shopping cart missing (as happened before) I reported it immediately to security. Then I decided to go to garage to look for it myself. In walking the entire garage, the only person I saw on the southeast corner (far from my car) was Mr. Jaffee. At no time did I see Mr. Jaffee with my cart or near my vehicle--the security cameras proved this. Yet when I walked back to the complete opposite corner of garage to my car, my cart reappeared.

I immediately phoned Pete Penaranda (security director) and asked him if he told any board members about my missing cart (based on fact that board members asked security to remove my cart in the past year). He said no. I asked if he was sure. I could detect the change in his tone--clearly he was upset that I questioned his integrity. Did I have a right to ask? I believe so as it is well known in the community that board members were harassing me throughout the year.

Why was this even brought up when it was resolved? Clearly in an attempt to try and humiliate me. I later learned the manager instructed Pete not to share this for the same reasons that many other incidents are not shared in detail at meetings. But I also learned that board members insisted Pete report the incident--ahh so it was not Pete's decision but yet another orchestrated event by Andy and company. The sick and stupid games people play. We have more important things to worry about!

Again this small and resolved incident was shared in a board meeting when countless other incidents were never aired. Why wasn't the incident of Robert Jaffee throwing hot coffee on a neighbor reported then? Why wasn't it reported that my commercial sign was stolen from my vehicle and the only person near my car was Andy Scalese (as seen on video camera), although I can not say he took the sign because the taller car parked next to mine covered the area where the sign was. But the opportunity was there. And he was the only one there. As much as I believe Robert and Andy are incapable of accomplishing anything as board members as is evident in nothing being accomplished, I never brought these up in a board meeting to humiliate them. Or the fact that I have witnessed Robert smoking marijuana on his balcony some late afternoons.

As predicted, the President failed to stop Mr. Jaffee, and failed to evict him from the meeting for his "rude and disrespectful behavior". Once again the rules are only selectively applied to residents who the board personally dislikes. Ana Guillen, also stated that I only had two minutes to "explain my side", not the three minutes per bylaws (I have this audio recorded) and as stated in bulletin board for nine months, a decision by A. Guillen. "Do as I Say, Not as the Rules Say".

I clarified the gaffes in the security report. But the damage was done. All on the anniversary of Sep 11, 2001 attacks. How quickly some people forget the significance of that date. Of what is important in life. Silly, petty arguments and attacking neighbors was foremost for several board members tonight.

It was another "setup" by board members to take away the focus on their lack of progress. Just another typical Board meeting at Brickell Place II.

And the drama continues...

[A recording is available to support the above statements]

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