Thursday, September 25, 2008

Missing the Good Ol' Days

It's Labor Day weekend and I wanted to share something positive in our community. Please don't hold your breath. It's not Board related. The words "positive" and "Board" are an oxymoron.

Rather, a group of resident neighbors decided to get together on this day to share a meal and some good times. Spearheading this gathering was Phill and Nikki Hawkins. In meeting and getting to know the Hawkins, you come to appreciate this couple. They truly care about the community by coming to all the board meetings, offering suggestions and getting involved.
Each person brought a dish or meat to barbecue, and bottle of wine. We shared food, stories, and laughter. Aah, a semblance of the good ole' days.
I recall organizing social functions for the whole community-- a wine and cheese happy hour, a 70' dance party, a luau, a Barcardi cocktail happy hour (free of charge)... Sadly the antagonism and hostility of this board have kept volunteers at bay. No one wants to offer their valuable time and energy, only to be blamed for something that will go wrong.
But this is a private moment among a group of residents. Will this property every return to a neighborly one, where we know our neighbor's name, greet each passerby "good morning", invite a nieghbor for cup of coffee or glass of wine?

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